Sunday, December 6, 2015

Finding my balance.

Not too long ago, I had a bad day. Things were frustrating at work, and I felt stuck in a situation where I couldn't win, so I needed to walk away.

For me, walking away entails walking to nature. I knew I needed to take a deep breath, and go where I had no cellular service, where there was no choice but for me to hear the leaves crunch underneath my feet, and the birds and squirrels rustling in the distance.

I am not sure what it is about nature that has such a calming affect. Probably, there is a link between our human nature and the relationship with the earth. After all, we don't truly need cell phones and computers to survive as a species; just to survive in today's modern professions. I needed to step back into nature to find my balance, to feel centered, and find a sense of peace.

On my next day off, I drove from the highly populated area to a state park about an hour away. The drive entailed traveling over a major bridge, which created a true separation for me between my place in a world of technology and the demands of others, and a place of calm.

I had a destination in mind, but along the way, I couldn't help but notice the most amazing grove of trees. A good friend had driven out this way not long before, and had taken a picture of these trees, and I was hoping I would see them on my drive. I was not disappointed. I wish I knew their story. Who planted them? What was this person's vision? Did this person know the art that is found in cultivating nature, or were they just planting trees, trying to spruce up the property?

I pulled over to the side of the road, and took a few pictures. Then, I lingered for a bit, taking in the sight, before traveling down the road to the hiking trails. Every time I look at this picture, I am reminded of my inner need to get away, to change the scenery, to breathe.


  1. Love this idea and your first entry. Deep breathing trees!

  2. Love this idea and your first entry. Deep breathing trees!

  3. Are these trees on the way to Wye Island?
