Monday, December 21, 2015

Good grief...

Apparently, I don't know how to use a regular phone anymore. Roughly twenty years ago, my home state of Maryland started running out of area codes and instituted new ones. From then on, Marylanders had to dial the full ten digits even for local calls. (

It has been common, for who knows how long, to dial "9" to get an external line when placing a call on site at a business, you used to have to also dial a 1, then the area, code, then the number. Except, once we started using ten digit numbers, the need for the 1 went away because you were always going to use the area code no matter what. 

Then, introduce my last place of business, which implemented a phone system that didn't require the "9." You just dialed ten digits and boom, you could reach anybody.

With cell phones, it has been the same thing, especially once unlimited nationwide calling became a thing and essentially did away with anything you might consider "long distance" calling.

Enter my new job. This position requires me to make a fair number of phone calls. I've been there more than a month and I'm still struggling to use a dang phone. More than once I have struggled to get an external line, because my business uses "8" to make an outside call, not "9."! Then today, again, I couldn't place a call! Well, I could, except it was to the wrong person even though I was certain I had the right number.

Get this: I had to ask for help *to make a phone call.* 

It turns out I still wasn't dialing the 1! Argh. 

I can't believe I have had to relearn how to use a phone.

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